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  • Protect Religious Freedoms for Individuals, Businesses, and Religious Leaders
  • National Security
  • Improve race relations and police relations
  • Protect Rights of citizens 

Scott Harbach


Just a few issues

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@ Scott Harbach for Senate 2016

Even with all of the turmoil and problems, America is still the greatest country that there has ever been, but we are at a crossroad .  Many politicians continue to make decisions that bewilder citizens and appear to benefit only themselves and their wealthy donors.  Distrust in politicians and government is at an all time high and ordinary people have to stand up for what is right, or this mighty nation will self-destruct.  This (and because my wife told me to quit complaining or get into the race myself) is why I run. 

I have been married for more than 21 years and love my wife with all my heart.  She is by far my better half.  I have been told that she will receive instant saint-hood when that time comes for putting up with me.  I love my three beautiful daughters.  Thank God they have a pretty mom if you know what I am saying.  I also love my  two adorable grandchildren.

Professionally, I have investigated crime, corruption and dishonesty for more than 30 years.  I own three Private Detective and Security Consultant Agencies.  I  have been a polygraph examiner for 30 years.  I have solved thousands of cases (a few in which the F.B.I. were involved in). I have uncovered major theft and crime within businesses and organizations.  I am considered by some to be a top investigator nationwide and will use this skill at all levels of government to uncover corruption and fraud.

I have also had disappointments such as being turned down for employment in the final interview phase with the C.I.A. 28 years ago after they flew me to Virginia.  I am not a perfect person and have made my share of mistakes, but what did not break me has made me stronger.   

I have been involved in a life long journey of protecting, and helping others. It is very humbling just to be given this opportunity to serve you as Senator; and not someone to be served.  Do I think I will win?  Well, I believe in miracles.  

The main problem some people have with politicians is that they are insensitive and really do not care about common people. Unfortunately, often times this is true.  People want politicians to be real people that care. Actions speak louder than words.  Let me give you an example of who I am and who I will always try to be... whether I'm a Senator or just an average person on the street.

While in Madison collecting signatures, a senior gentleman came up to me two  different times and defiantly wanted to know how I was different from another candidate.  When I refused to fall for his trap, he yelled out that he would then vote for the other candidate and walked away.  Later on I saw a college student crying and she told me her dad was very sick.  We prayed and talked for about 20 minutes till the tears turned to laughter.  I suggested a plan of action to make the situation better.  As fate would have it,  the same gentlemen walked by a third time and started up again. I then told him how distressed this young lady had been about her father's illness and then explained how i helped her.  He saw her smiling and asked in a suspicious manner if this was true.  She said it was true.  I then answered his question, "This is how I am different." Suddenly the  gentleman's aggressive nature subsided.  He then quietly turned and walked away without saying another word. 

To some this may not have mattered, but it mattered to this young lady.   This is exactly what is missing, in America... Someone just taking a little time out of their busy schedule to show they care.  And frankly, this is just who I am.